The 'Siriraj x MIT Hacking Medicine' project under the topic 'Scaling Aged Care in Developing Countries' consists of an academic conference to be held on October 29, 2024. There will be international experts, startups, and investors from various industries as guest speakers to provide knowledge about elderly care from different perspectives and discuss problems towards sustainable solutions.
Followed by the "Hackathon" competition to gather ideas to combat the health problems of the elderly in developing countries in Bangkok between November 1-3, 2024. This is a major Hackathon event in Thailand designed to promote the gathering of ideas to invent innovative solutions for elderly care through teamwork.
It opens opportunities for students, academics, experts, and the general public who have ideas for developing healthcare in various fields such as engineering, medicine, design, policy management, and business management. The winners of the competition will receive "Golden Tickets" to participate in the 'MIT Grand Hack 2025' to be held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
This is something that the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, and Siriraj Hospital have given importance to and are committed to developing projects and research continuously, including the latest project in collaboration with "MIT," a technological institute that has been recognized as one of the best universities in the world. This reinforces Siriraj's commitment to expanding cooperation so that society and the public are aware of this problem and work together to bring various technologies to improve the solutions for the elderly.
Prof. Dr. Yongyut Sirivatanauksorn, Director of Siriraj Hospital, Faculty of Medicines Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, said about the "Hackathon" competition to gather ideas to combat the health problems of the elderly in developing countries in Bangkok: "Siriraj's Hackathon in collaboration with MIT is the first time in ASEAN that a project has been organized to gather the best ideas to create approaches for elderly care in developing countries in Southeast Asia. We believe that this important collaboration will lead to solving the problems of an aging society. What we want to see is the expansion of problem-solving, not just within the medical field, but also in collaboration with various sectors such as engineers, scientists, and technology, towards tangible solutions that can be used at the local community level and promote support, change, and the creation of new things sustainably in the future."
Prof. Zen Chu, Director of the MIT Hacking Medicine Initiative and Harvard-MIT Health Sciences & Technology Program, said: "MIT is not a medical education institution, but we have expertise in engineering and technology. We have achieved great success from the 'MIT Hacking Medicine' project, having organized more than 200 Hackathon competitions in over 30 countries and established more than 100 startup companies in the past 10 years. We have also received more than 2.5 billion US dollars in project funding. Moreover, we have developed solutions that emerged from brainstorming to align with the lifestyles of local communities in each area, especially the development of technological devices for the elderly. The collaboration with Siriraj will further enable us to reach the goals of MIT Hacking Medicine twofold. We will transfer this knowledge to Siriraj to collaborate in creating innovations for elderly healthcare in developing countries with maximum efficiency."
Winners of the Hackathon will be given Golden Tickets to join the annual MIT Grand Hack 2025 in Boston, USA.
Those interested in joining the event or collaborating with Siriraj and MIT, please visit or email [email protected] for more information