Nutrition consultant Judith Coulson describes the precautions we should all take to guard against illness from contaminated foods NEWS of food poisoning cases is always a good reminder to keep up our guard. Let’s have a look at some of the food poison dangers we might face in Thailand. ISTERIA bacteria can contaminate fresh produce, like cantaloupes, as well as some processed foods, like cheeses. Dairy products can also harbor listeria, and simply refrigerating foods won’t kill the bacteria. Sometimes listeria finds its way into a food-processing factory, where it can live for years and where contamination may occur after cooking but before packaging. Symptoms of infection include fever, muscle aches, upset stomach, or diarrhea occurring two days to two months after exposure. |
Safety: Scrub raw produce and dry before cutting. Store in fridge below 40 F. Make sure dairy products are clearly marked ‘pasteurised’. Never keep pre-cooked or ready-to-eat foods past their use-by date, and cook processed meats until they are steaming (165 F) before eating.
Salmonella bacteria can taint any food, although there’s a greater risk from animal products. It can infect chicken eggs before the shell forms, so even clean, fresh eggs may harbor salmonella. Raw meat, particularly ground meat, is at risk for salmonella contamination. Fresh produce is catching up with poultry as a cause of salmonella infections. Symptoms include stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea. Illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days.
Safety: Only eat raw or lightly cooked eggs from a source you trust. Cook poultry to 165 F. Cook beef, pork, and lamb to at least 145 F and ground beef, pork, and lamb should be heated to 160 F. Avoid cross contamination by keeping raw meats away from other foods and washing hands and all surfaces exposed to raw meat with warm soapy water. Thoroughly wash and dry produce, and store in the fridge at 40 F.
E. coli lives in the intestines of cattle and can contaminate beef during the slaughtering process. Ground beef is especially risky. Fruits and vegetables can be tainted with E. coli, and leafy greens are at highest risk. Symptoms include severe abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea, and vomiting. The illness typically develops several days after exposure and can be severe in vulnerable people.
Safety: Cook meat thoroughly (160 F, no pink in the centre). Do not put a cooked burger back on a plate that held raw meat. Wash all utensils with warm soapy water. Separate and individually wash leaves of leafy greens and cook vegetables.
Salmonella bacteria can taint any food, although there’s a greater risk from animal products. It can infect chicken eggs before the shell forms, so even clean, fresh eggs may harbor salmonella. Raw meat, particularly ground meat, is at risk for salmonella contamination. Fresh produce is catching up with poultry as a cause of salmonella infections. Symptoms include stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea. Illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days.
Safety: Only eat raw or lightly cooked eggs from a source you trust. Cook poultry to 165 F. Cook beef, pork, and lamb to at least 145 F and ground beef, pork, and lamb should be heated to 160 F. Avoid cross contamination by keeping raw meats away from other foods and washing hands and all surfaces exposed to raw meat with warm soapy water. Thoroughly wash and dry produce, and store in the fridge at 40 F.
E. coli lives in the intestines of cattle and can contaminate beef during the slaughtering process. Ground beef is especially risky. Fruits and vegetables can be tainted with E. coli, and leafy greens are at highest risk. Symptoms include severe abdominal cramps, watery diarrhea, and vomiting. The illness typically develops several days after exposure and can be severe in vulnerable people.
Safety: Cook meat thoroughly (160 F, no pink in the centre). Do not put a cooked burger back on a plate that held raw meat. Wash all utensils with warm soapy water. Separate and individually wash leaves of leafy greens and cook vegetables.
Botulism is a rare, potentially fatal illness linked to improperly canned or preserved foods. Home-canned foods are especially at risk, as well as honey, cured meats, and fermented, smoked, or salted fish. Symptoms include cramps, vomiting, breathing problems, difficulty swallowing, double vision, and weakness or paralysis. If you suspect botulism poisoning, visit the doctor immediately.
Safety: Never give honey to children under 12 months. Throw away bulging cans, leaking jars, foul-smelling preserved foods and anything that spurts out liquid upon opening. Sterilise home-canned foods by cooking at 250 F for 30 minutes.
Clostridium perfringens is a type of bacteria that causes cramps and diarrhea lasting less than 24 hours. Foods that are prepared in large quantities and kept warm for a long time before serving are a common source of infection.
Safety: Sauces, gravies, and stews should be cooked thoroughly and then kept at a temperature above 140 F or below 41 F. Serve food hot right after cooking and promptly refrigerate leftovers.
Staph is transmitted by an infected person who prepares uncooked foods like sandwiches and salads. Symptoms come on in as little as 30 minutes, and include vomiting, cramps, and diarrhea.
Safety: Wash hands thoroughly before handling food. Do not handle food if you are sick or have a nose or eye infection or open wound on your hands or wrists.
Hepatitis A is a virus that attacks the liver and can cause fever, fatigue, nausea, weight loss and jaundice. The virus can spread when an infected person doesn’t wash hands properly, then touches food or items that are put in the mouth.
Safety: Get vaccinated against hepatitis A. Check restaurant health ratings. Always wash hands thoroughly before handling food.
Lesser known dangers
Campylobacter can be caused by as little as one drop of raw chicken juice and can lead to Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare, serious illness. Vibrio vulnificus lives in warm seawater and can contaminate shellfish, particularly oysters. Infection causes the same gastrointestinal symptoms as many other foodborne illnesses, but in people with weakened immune systems it can be life threatening. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is caused by toxins produced by certain types of algae. Symptoms include tingling lips and tongue, numbness, difficulty breathing, and eventual paralysis. Death can occur as soon as 30 minutes after extreme exposure. Luckily, PSP is extremely rare and shellfish are regularly tested for toxins. Scombrotoxin poisoning is an allergy-like reaction to fish that has begun to spoil. Symptoms usually subside within four to six hours, and antihistamines can help.
Ciguatera poisoning develops from eating reef fish like grouper or snapper that have consumed some types of sea algae. Symptoms develop within 6 hours of exposure and may include burning or painful tingling in arms, headache, nausea and even hallucinations.
Safety: The best basic protection against these and other foodborne pathogens is fastidious cleanliness in cooking areas and thoroughly heating foods before eating.
When to call the doctor
Most foodborne illnesses resolve on their own, but you should call the doctor if you have a high fever, bloody stools, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea lasting more than 3 days or signs of dehydration (dry mouth, dizziness, reduced urination). Certain groups are at increased risk of contracting a foodborne illness and may also experience more serious symptoms. Pregnant women, the elderly, young children, and people with compromised immune systems should avoid risky foods and should be under a doctor’s care at the first sign of serious illness.
Judith Coulson is a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist and Nutritionist workking with individuals, executive teams, schools and companies based in Thailand, Hong Kong and Singapore.,