Moleskine and the blank pages of its beloved black notebook have been synonymous with essential creativity and a desire to explore the world and have now opened its new pop-up store on the 3rd floor of the Central Embassy mall.
From the new hard cover luggage (the Journey Collection), the everyday favorite that is The Backpack, the Travel Notebook that empowers creativity, to the City Notebooks that are your own personal guide and archive - Moleskine Travel Essentials are designed to support self-expression and a curiosity that is intrinsic to human nature. They provide you with the tools to plan, explore, experience and record your thoughts and ideas - wherever you may be in the world. Alongside the opening of the new Moleskine collection is also the all time favorite items that will enchance productivity and creativity - ranging from notebooks, diaries and planners, journals, bags, writing instruments, reading accessories, publishing, and digital tools designed to harmonize with the generation of technology.
From the new hard cover luggage (the Journey Collection), the everyday favorite that is The Backpack, the Travel Notebook that empowers creativity, to the City Notebooks that are your own personal guide and archive - Moleskine Travel Essentials are designed to support self-expression and a curiosity that is intrinsic to human nature. They provide you with the tools to plan, explore, experience and record your thoughts and ideas - wherever you may be in the world. Alongside the opening of the new Moleskine collection is also the all time favorite items that will enchance productivity and creativity - ranging from notebooks, diaries and planners, journals, bags, writing instruments, reading accessories, publishing, and digital tools designed to harmonize with the generation of technology.
Moleskine is also presenting a new travelling experience for all adventurers with the campaign – M is for Movers. Movers are an ever-growing community of like-minded people with passionately independent ideas who can look at the same things but which spark a different thought in each individual. Embracing the pursuit of new horizons and purposeful inspiration, whether on the other side of the world or within a secret courtyard in their hometown, Movers are enriched with every step they take, whichever the direction they may be travelling. Embark upon this exquisite journey to amplify your sense of creativity with stylish items that serves diverse functions now at the Moleskine Moleskine Pop-Up Store on the 3rd floor of Central Embassy. |
Special! Moleskine is now offering a ‘Personalized Service’ where you can emboss your own text on the cover of your notebook for free once you purchase a Moleskine notebook. Available from today until 30 September 2019!