CONRAD Bangkok’s Diplomat Bar is marking Munich’s annual (and wonderfully boozy) Oktoberfest festival by breaking out a special selection of ten premium and craft beers. Among the line-up are Chimay Red from Belgium, Estrella Inedit from Spain, and Rogue Dead Guy Ale from America. Available daily 7pm-Midnight. Start at B300++ per bottle.
87 Wireless Rd. Tel: 02 690 9244 www.conradhotels.com/bangkok
CONRAD Bangkok’s Diplomat Bar is marking Munich’s annual (and wonderfully boozy) Oktoberfest festival by breaking out a special selection of ten premium and craft beers. Among the line-up are Chimay Red from Belgium, Estrella Inedit from Spain, and Rogue Dead Guy Ale from America. Available daily 7pm-Midnight. Start at B300++ per bottle.
87 Wireless Rd. Tel: 02 690 9244 www.conradhotels.com/bangkok