Find out which beauty items from more than 1,000 brands around the world from EVEANDBOY, Thailand’s top beauty store. Many celebrities joined the event included Virithipa Pakdeeprasong, Pimpisa Chirathivat, Yuwared Sarutanond, Kerika Chotivichit, Ploypayap Srikarnchana, Ployvarin Songpakorn, Suteewan Thaveesin, Krit Jirakiatwattana, Ascha Charoenrasameekiat, Pimpatchara Vajrasevee, Manussanan Naklada, Sarocha Viriyamettakul, Dr. Angwara Teeratantikanon, Pemika Jiranorraphat, Sarucha Pedrode, Suppanad Jittaleela and Janistar Phomphadungcheep at Park Hyatt Bangkok the other day.
EVEANDBOY BEST SELLING AWARDS 2019 is a prestigious ceremony that proves the quality of brands and products trusted by consumers to reaffirm that EVEANDBOY products are high-quality and popular among customers. The awards were given to products which were bestsellers at all 11 EVEANDBOY stores and e-commerce throughout 2019, 94 awards in total in nine categories namely Makeup, Fragrance, Supplement, Skincare, Personal Care, Hair Product, Brush & Accessories, Nails Product and Bath & Body.
Moreover, EVEANDBOY could prove the success of continued sales growth over the past five years, which helps to increase sales for partners in every category that are being sold at EVEANDBOY. By 2020 there will be three more new branch opening. We will also introduce our e-commerce market place officially and expand to 22 stores nationwide by 2022 to respond to the needs of our customers in Thailand. Our current and future partners are looking forward to joining the journey with EVEANDBOY to better serve our customers.
EVEANDBOY is a Thai beauty retailer which is an official partner for global brands who will also participate in this award ceremony. EVEANDBOY brings together a wide range of makeup and personal care products from around the world such as the US, Europe, South Korea and Thailand. Products that win the EVEANDBOY BEST SELLING AWARDS 2019 include Thai and international brands across all categories to reaffirm EVEANDBOY’s position as a place offering endless choices for customers. EVEANDBOY is a leading beauty retailer which has partnered with world-class beauty brands to offer a fun shopping experience to its customers, with a complete range of makeup products, beauty products and fragrances for all needs and all price points. In 2020, EVEANDBOY
plans to introduce more brands in all categories to cater to meet the needs of customers through customization and personalization. For its existing brands, the store plans to bring in more items to address modern lifestyle needs. Its partnering brands will also have a chance to win the EVEANDBOY BEST SELLING AWARDS 2020 in the following year.
Find out which beauty items from top Thai and international brands will win in the first ever award ceremony to recognize bestselling products nationwide at EVEANDBOY BEST SELLING AWARDS 2019.